The French Broad Vignerons of WNC
Vigneron [ven-yu-rawn] – A person who grows grapes and then makes wine from the grapes they grow so they control the quality of the wine from the vines to the wines.
The French Broad Vignerons of Western North Carolina (FBV) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational opportunities for grape growing, wine making, evaluating, and enjoying wines in western North Carolina. Our organization has monthly meetings for business, educational, and social purposes. It is open to anyone interested in viticulture and learning how to evaluate wines.

Pay your 2025 French Broad Vignerons Membership Dues here!
French Broad Vignerons 2025 calendar year membership dues are $35/couple (or two people at the same address).
Click HERE to register and pay your 2025 calendar year dues.
Upcoming French Broad Vignerons Events in 2024
THURSDAY JUNE27 @ 5:30pm $10 pp
Asheville Welcome Center – Lenoir Rhyne Campus
36 Montford Ave., Asheville, N.C.
Sign up and pay on our Special Events Page.
FBV Annual Scholarship
The French Broad Vignerons are accepting donations to fund an annual scholarship. Our scholarship, starting with the Fall of 2025, will be awarded to a student studying enology and/or viticulture at an accredited North Carolina college.
Our organization is non-profit, and your donation is tax-deductible. Please donate at your comfort level on the following link.
Donate via this link!