Winery Visits: Every other month

Join the French Broad Vignerons to check out local wineries and vineyards in Western NC and SC! The next winery visit will be Sunday, August 13th from 1-3pm at My Sweet Love Vineyard in Spindale, NC. There is no charge to attend besides your own tab, but please sign up here by Friday, August 11th.

 Blind Tasting Series


This series will occur across 6 2-hour sessions scheduled throughout the next few months. FBV President Ben Labe will host the first 3 sessions on the following dates at 73 Honeysuckle Lane, Asheville, NC 28806:

1) Deductive Tasting Basics – Aug. 16, 6-8 pm (sign uphere)

2) Identifying Major Varietals – Sep. 27, 6-8 pm (sign uphere)

3) Common Winemaking Techniques – Oct. 11, 6-8 pm (sign uphere)


Each session will consist of an hour-long presentation followed by an hour-long blind tasting where we will put the principles learned from the presentation to the test, with the taster who identifies the wines the most accurately winning a free bottle of wine!


The cost of each session is free, but participants will share the cost of the wines being tasted, which will vary depending on the wines and number of in-person attendees. The wines will be selected so as not to exceed $20 per person per session with a target of $10-15.


There will also be a virtual option provided through Zoom where participants can follow along. If those participants wish to taste blind, then they will have to provide contact information for somebody who can purchase the wines and serve them during the session. Those who plan to attend through Zoom should make a note on the sign-up page saying so.


Wine Bar Socials

Join the French Broad Vignerons for some fellowship every month to “wine” down the work week and check out local beverage spots. Our next monthly social is to be determined. Suggestions for future gathering places are welcome!

There is no charge to attend besides your own tab, but please sign up by the day before the event.



Upcoming Events in 2023


Blind Tasting Series: 6 2-hour sessions scheduled from August through December

Winery Visit: Noble Cider, Sunday, October 15th, 2-4pm